Source code for simframe.frame.heartbeat

from simframe.frame.updater import Updater
from simframe.utils.color import colorize

[docs] class Heartbeat(object): """This class controls an update including ``systole`` and ``diastole``. A full cardiac cycle constists of a systole operation, the actual update and a systole operation. All three are of type ``Updater``. The ``beat`` function calls ``systole``, ``updater``, ``diastole`` in that order and returns the return value of the ``updater``. Any positional or keyword arguments are only passed to the ``updater``, NOT to ``systole`` and ``diastole``. """ __name__ = "Heartbeat" def __init__(self, updater=None, systole=None, diastole=None): """``Heartbeat`` class Parameters ---------- updater : Updater, callable, None, optional, default : None This it the main updater of the heartbeat object systole : Updater, callable, None, optional, default : None The updater of the systole diastole : Updater, callable, None, optional, default : None The updater of the diastole""" self.updater = updater self.systole = systole self.diastole = diastole def __str__(self): return "{}".format(str(self.__name__)) def __repr__(self): s = self.__str__() + "\n" s += (len(s)-1)*"-" + "\n" s += "\n" s += "{} {}".format(colorize("Systole: ", color="red"), str(self.systole._func)) + "\n" s += "{} {}".format(colorize("Updater: ", color="red"), str(self.updater._func)) + "\n" s += "{} {}".format(colorize("Diastole:", color="red"), str(self.diastole._func)) + "\n" s += "\n" s += "Docstrings" + "\n" s += 10*"-" + "\n" s += "\n" s += colorize("Systole:", color="red") + "\n" s += str(self.systole._func.__doc__ or None) + "\n" s += "\n" s += colorize("Updater:", color="red") + "\n" s += str(self.updater._func.__doc__ or None) + "\n" s += "\n" s += colorize("Diastole:", color="red") + "\n" s += str(self.diastole._func.__doc__ or None) return s @property def systole(self): '''``Updater`` that is called in the beginning of cardiac cycle.''' return self._systole @systole.setter def systole(self, value): if isinstance(value, Updater): self._systole = value elif hasattr(value, "__call__") or value is None: self._systole = Updater(value) else: raise TypeError( "Systole has to be of type Updater, None, or has to be callable.") @property def updater(self): '''``Updater`` that is performing the update instruction.''' return self._updater @updater.setter def updater(self, value): if isinstance(value, Updater): self._updater = value elif hasattr(value, "__call__") or value is None: self._updater = Updater(value) else: raise TypeError( "Updater has to be of type Updater, None, or has to be callable.") @property def diastole(self): '''``Updater`` that is called at the end of the cardiac cycle.''' return self._diastole @diastole.setter def diastole(self, value): if isinstance(value, Updater): self._diastole = value elif hasattr(value, "__call__") or value is None: self._diastole = Updater(value) else: raise TypeError( "Diastole has to be of type Updater, None, or has to be callable.")
[docs] def beat(self, owner, *args, Y=None, **kwargs): """This method executes ``systole``, ``updater``, and ``distole`` in that order and returns the return value of the ``updater``. Parameters ---------- owner : Frame Parent frame object to which updater belongs Y : Field, optional, default : None Field that should be updated Notes ----- *args and **kwargs are only passed to updater, NOT to systole and diastole Returns ------- ret : Return value of updater.""" # Perform systole operation self.systole.update(owner) # Perform update operation and save return value. ret = self.updater.update(owner, *args, **kwargs) # If Y is given and a return value was received, then beat is updating a field. # The new field value needs to be set here, so the diastole has access to the new value. if Y is not None and ret is not None: Y[...] = ret # Perform diastole operation. self.diastole.update(owner) return ret