Source code for simframe.integration.scheme

from simframe.frame.abstractgroup import AbstractGroup

import inspect

[docs] class Scheme: """Class for an integration ``Scheme`` that can be used as template for creating custom schemes. Notes ----- The integration ``Scheme`` needs to return ``False`` if the integration failed. The ``Integrator`` will then perform a fail operation and will try it again. This can be used to implement schemes with adaptive step sizes. If the step size was not small enough the fail operation can reduce it further.""" __name__ = "Scheme" def __init__(self, scheme, controller={}, description=""): """Abstract integration scheme. The integration scheme itself is callable. Parameters ---------- scheme : callable Function that returns the delta of the variable to be integrated controller : dict, optional, default : {} Additional keyword arguments passed to integration scheme description : string, optional, default : "" Descriptive string of the integration scheme""" self.scheme = scheme self.controller = controller self.description = description @property def scheme(self): '''Integration ``Scheme``.''' return self._scheme @scheme.setter def scheme(self, value): if inspect.isclass(value): value = value() if not (hasattr(value, "__call__") or isinstance(value, Scheme)): raise TypeError("<scheme> has to be callable or of type Scheme.") # Initialize the object, if user only gave the class self._scheme = value @property def controller(self): '''Dictionary with keyword arguments that is passed to the integration ``Scheme``.''' return self._controller @controller.setter def controller(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError("controller has to be of type dict.") self._controller = value @property def description(self): '''Description of the ``Scheme``.''' return self._description @description.setter def description(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("<value> has to be of type str.") self._description = value
[docs] def __call__(self, x0, Y0, dx, *args, **kwargs): """Method for returning the new value of the variable to be integrated. Parameters ---------- x0 : Intvar Integration variable at beginning of scheme Y0 : Field Variable to be integrated at the beginning of scheme dx : IntVar Stepsize of integration variable controller : dict, optional, default : {} Additional keyword arguments passed to integration scheme args : additional positional arguments kwargs : additional kewyowrd arguments Returns ------- Y1 : Field or False New value of the variable to be integrated. Functions needs to return ``False`` if integration failed.""" return self.scheme(x0, Y0, dx, *args, **kwargs)
def __str__(self): return AbstractGroup.__str__(self) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()