Source code for simframe.integration.integrator

from collections import deque
import numpy as np

from simframe.frame.abstractgroup import AbstractGroup
from simframe.frame.heartbeat import Heartbeat
from simframe.frame.intvar import IntVar
from simframe.integration.instruction import Instruction
from simframe.integration.schemes import update

[docs]class Integrator: """``Integrator`` class that manages the integration instructions""" __name__ = "Integrator" def __init__(self, var, instructions=[], failop=None, preparator=None, finalizer=None, maxit=500, description=""): """Integrator Parameters ---------- var : IntVar Integration variable that controls the integration instructions : list of Instruction, optional, default : None List of the instegration instructions failop : Heartbeat, Updater, callable, or None, optional, default : None Fail operation that is executed if any instruction failed preparator : Heartbeat, Updater, callable, or None, optional, default : None Heartbeat that will be executed before the integration finalizer : Heartbeat, Updater, callable, or None, optional, default : None Heartbeat that will be executed after the integration maxit : int, optional, default : 5000 Maximum number of integration iterations description : str, optional, default : "" Description of integrator""" self.description = description self.failop = failop self.finalizer = finalizer self.instructions = instructions self.maxit = maxit self.preparator = preparator self.var = var def __str__(self): return AbstractGroup.__str__(self) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def description(self): '''Description of integrator''' return self._description @description.setter def description(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("<value> has to be of type str.") self._description = value @property def failop(self): '''``Heartbeat`` objects that is called if any integration ``Instruction`` returned ``False``''' return self._failop @failop.setter def failop(self, value): if isinstance(value, Heartbeat): self._failop = value else: self._failop = Heartbeat(value) @property def finalizer(self): '''``Heartbeat`` object that is called after the integration was successful.''' return self._finalizer @finalizer.setter def finalizer(self, value): if isinstance(value, Heartbeat): self._finalizer = value else: self._finalizer = Heartbeat(value) @property def instructions(self): '''List of integration ``Instructions`` that will be executed in that order.''' return self._instructions @instructions.setter def instructions(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("<instructions> has to be of type list.") for val in value: if not isinstance(val, Instruction): raise TypeError( "<instructions> has to be list of Instructions") self._instructions = value @property def maxit(self): '''Maximum number of integration tries until program will be aborted.''' return self._maxit @maxit.setter def maxit(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("maxit has to be of type int.") if value <= 0: raise ValueError("maxit has to be larger 0.") self._maxit = value @property def preparator(self): '''``Heartbeat`` object that is called before the integration instructions will be executed.''' return self._preparator @preparator.setter def preparator(self, value): if isinstance(value, Heartbeat): self._preparator = value else: self._preparator = Heartbeat(value) @property def var(self): '''The integration variable ``IntVar`` that is associated with this ``Integrator``.''' return self._var @var.setter def var(self, value): if not isinstance(value, IntVar): raise TypeError("<var> has to be of type Intvar.") self._var = value
[docs] def integrate(self): """Method that executes one integration step.""" # Preparation self._prepare() # Loop over all instructions. Exit the loop only if all instructions were executed successfully # And count the loops i = 0 status = False while (not status): # The suggested stepsize has to be reset in the beginning of every try. # We therefore have to copy the current stepsize in case the user is returning # the suggested stepsize in the stepsize function. stepsize = self.var.stepsize.copy() self.var._suggested = None if i >= self.maxit: raise StopIteration( "Maximum number of integration attempts exceeded.") # Safe all return values in list ret = deque([]) for inst in self.instructions: ret.append(inst(stepsize)) # If no instruction returned False, Integration was successful. Exit the loop. if not np.any(np.array(ret) == False): status = True else: # Reset buffers if integration failed for inst in self.instructions: inst.Y._buffer = None self._failoperation() i += 1 # Update the variables. upd = update() for i, inst in enumerate(self.instructions): if inst.Y._buffer is None: continue upd(None, inst.Y, None) # Store the taken stepsize self.var._prevstepsize = np.array(stepsize) # Finalization self._finalize()
def _failoperation(self, *args, **kwargs): """This operation will be executed if any integration ``Instruction`` failed and before the ``Integrator`` tries it again. It will execute the ``Heartbeat`` of ``Integrator.failop``. Parameters ---------- args : additional positional arguments kwargs : additional keyword arguments Notes ----- args, and kwargs will only be passed to the ``updater``, NOT ``systole`` and ``diastole``.""" self.failop.beat(self.var._owner, *args, **kwargs) def _prepare(self, *args, **kwargs): """This operation will be executed before the integration. It will execute the ``Heartbeat`` of ``Integrator.preparator``. Parameters ---------- args : additional positional arguments kwargs : additional keyword arguments Notes ----- args, and kwargs will only be passed to the ``updater``, NOT ``systole`` and ``diastole``.""" self.preparator.beat(self.var._owner, *args, **kwargs) def _finalize(self, *args, **kwargs): """This operation will be executed before the integration. It will execute the ``Heartbeat`` of ``Integrator.finalizer``. Parameters ---------- args : additional positional arguments kwargs : additional keyword arguments Notes ----- args, and kwargs will only be passed to the ``updater``, NOT ``systole`` and ``diastole``.""" self.finalizer.beat(self.var._owner, *args, **kwargs)