Source code for

import copy
from datetime import timedelta
from itertools import cycle
import numpy as np
from time import monotonic
from time import strftime
import sys

from simframe.utils.color import Color

[docs]class Progressbar(object): """Class for printing progress bar to terminal.""" __name__ = "Progressbar" def __init__(self, prefix=" ", suffix="| ", fill="▶", empty=" ", length=25, color="blue", spinner=None): """This class controls the output of a progress bar on screen. Parameters ---------- prefix, string, optional, default : " " Initial character of bar suffix, string, optional, default : "| " Final character of bar fill, string, optional, default : "▶" Progress character empty, string, optional, default : " " Character progress has not reached, yet length, int, optional, default : 25 Number of fill/empty characters between prefix and suffix color, string or Color, optional, default : "blue" Color of bar and spinner spinner, Spinner or None, optional, default : None Work indicator. If None, standard spinner is used""" self._prefix = prefix self._suffix = suffix self._fill = fill self._empty = empty self._length = length if isinstance(color, Color): self._color = color else: self._color = Color(color) if isinstance(spinner, Spinner): self._spinner = spinner else: self._spinner = Spinner() # Check if we're in an interactive shell. If not, we don't print progress bar. self._print = sys.stdout.isatty() # Time keeping for calculating ETA self._N_speed = 25 self._speedbuffer = np.zeros(self._N_speed) self._speed = None self._t = monotonic() self._x = None self._line1 = "" self._line2 = "" self._N1 = 0 self._N2 = 0 def _getbar(self, filled): """Returns actual progress bar between and including prefix and suffix Parameters ---------- filled : int Number of filled characters in bar. Returns ------- bar : string String between and including prefix and suffix""" bar = "{}{}{}{}".format( self._prefix, self._color(filled*self._fill), self._color((self._length-filled)*self._empty), self._suffix) return bar def _update_speed(self, x): '''Updates the current speed. Parameters ---------- x : number current position of process''' t = monotonic() if self._x is not None: dx = x - self._x dt = t - self._t + 1.e-100 speed = dx/dt self._speedbuffer = np.insert(self._speedbuffer, 0, speed)[ :self._N_speed] self._speed = self._speedbuffer.mean() self._t = t self._x = copy.copy(x) def _geteta(self, x, s1): '''Returns the current ETA Parameters ---------- x : number current positon of process s1 : number end position of process Returns ------- ETA : string string with ETA.''' self._update_speed(x) if self._speed is None: return "" if self._speed > 0.: eta = (s1-x)/self._speed else: eta = np.nan try: dt = timedelta(seconds=int(eta)) except: dt = "N/A" ret = "ETA: {}".format(dt) return ret def _getline(self, text, x, x0, x1): """Returns complete progress bar line Parameters ---------- text : string Legend of progress bar x : number Current state of progress x0 : number Starting point x1 : number End point Returns ------- line : string Progress bar line""" f = (x-x0)/(x1-x0) filled = int(np.floor(f*self._length)) line = "{:10s}{}{:5.1f} %".format(text, self._getbar(filled), f*100.) return line def _setlines(self, x, x0, x1, s0, s1): """Functions sets both progress bar lines for the current snapshot and the whole simulation into hidden attribute of class. Parameters ---------- x : Number Current state of progress x0 : Number Starting point of snapshot x1 : Number End point of snapshot s0 : Number Starting point of simulation s1 : Number End point of simulation""" self._line1 = "{} {}".format(self._getline( "Snapshot", x, x0, x1), self._color( eta = self._geteta(x, s1) self._line2 = "{} {}".format( self._getline("Simulation", x, s0, s1), self._color(eta))
[docs] def print(self, x, x0, x1, s0, s1): """Function prints the current progress bar. If the end of either the snapshot or the simulation is reached, no progress bar will be printed. Parameters ---------- x : Number Current state of progress x0 : Number Starting point of snapshot x1 : Number End point of snapshot s0 : Number Starting point of simulation s1 : Number End point of simulation""" # Only print if interactive if self._print: self._N1 = len(self._line1) self._N2 = len(self._line2) self._setlines(x, x0, x1, s0, s1) if not (x == x0 or x == s0): self._reset() msg = "\x1b[?25l\n{}\n{}".format(self._line1, self._line2) print(msg) sys.stdout.flush()
def _reset(self): """Resets the current output of progress bar. Function resets the cursor to beginning of progress bar and overwrites it with whitespaces, then returns to beginning.""" # Only print if interactive if self._print: msg = "\033[3A\r\n{}\n{}\033[3A\r\x1b[?25h".format( self._N1*" ", self._N2*" ") print(msg) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def __call__(self, x, x0, x1, s0, s1): """Prints the current progress bar. Parameters ---------- x : Number Current state of progress x0 : Number Starting point of snapshot x1 : Number End point of snapshot s0 : Number Starting point of simulation s1 : Number End point of simulation""" self.print(x, x0, x1, s0, s1)
class Spinner(object): """This is a class for displaying some information that the simulation is still runnging.""" _cycle = None def __init__(self, charlist=["●", "○"]): """This class is cycling through a list of characters that are displayed after every successfully executed timestep. Parameters ---------- charlist : list of strings, optional, default : ["●", "○"] List of characters to cycle through""" self._cycle = cycle(charlist) def next(self): """Function returns the next character in list""" return next(self._cycle)