Source code for

from collections import deque
import glob
import numpy as np
from types import SimpleNamespace
import os

from simframe.frame.abstractgroup import AbstractGroup

[docs]class Reader(object): """General class for reading output files. Every ``Writer`` class should also provide a reader for its data files. Custom ``Reader`` must provide a method ``Reader.output()`` that reads a single output file and returns the data set as type ``SimpleNamespace``. The general ``Reader`` class provides a function that stitches together all ``SimpleNamespaces`` the ``Reader.output()`` method provides into a single ``SimpleNamespace`` by adding another dimension along the integration variable ``IntVar``.""" __name__ = "Reader" def __init__(self, writer, description=""): """General ``Reader`` class Parameters ---------- writer : Writer The writer object to which the reader belongs description : str, optional, default = "" Descriptive string of reader.""" self.description = description self._writer = writer @property def description(self): '''Description of the ``Reader``.''' return self._description @description.setter def description(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (str, type(None))): raise ValueError("<value> has to be of type str.") self._description = value def __str__(self): return AbstractGroup.__str__(self) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def output(self, file): """Function that returns the data of a single output file. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to file that should be read. Returns ------- data : SimpleNamespace Data set of a single output file.""" raise NotImplementedError("<read.output> is not implemented.")
[docs] def sequence(self, field): """Function that returns the entire sequence of a specific field. Parameters ---------- field : str String with location of requested field Returns ------- seq : array Array with requested values Notes ----- ``field`` is addressing the values just as in the parent frame object. E.g. ``"groupA.groupB.fieldC"`` is addressing ``Frame.groupA.groupB.fieldC``.""" raise NotImplementedError("<read.sequence> is not implemented.")
[docs] def listfiles(self): """Method to list all data files in a directory Returns ------- files : list List of strings of all found data files sorted alphanumerically. Notes ----- Function only searches for files that match the pattern specified by the ``Writer``'s ``filename`` and ``extension`` attributes.""" datadir = self._writer.datadir ext = self._writer.extension if self._writer.extension != "" else "." + \ self._writer.extension wildcard = os.path.join(datadir, self._writer.filename + "*" + ext) files = glob.glob(wildcard) files = sorted(files, key=str.casefold) return files
[docs] def all(self): """Functions that reads all output files and combines them into a single ``SimpleNamespace``. Returns ------- dataset : SimpleNamespace Namespace of data set. Notes ----- This function is reading one output files to get the structure of the data and calls ``read.sequence()`` for every field in the data structure.""" files = self.listfiles() if files == []: raise RuntimeError("Data directory does not exist or is empty.") # Read first file to get structure data0 = self.output(files[0]) return self._expand(data0)
def _expand(self, ns, prefix=""): """This is a function that get recursively called to fill a data structure with sequences. Parameters ---------- ns : SimpleNamespace Name space to read sequences from prefix : string, optional default: "" prefix of data to get into depth of the structure""" ret = {} for key, val in ns.__dict__.items(): new_prefix = ".".join(filter(None, [prefix, key])) if isinstance(val, SimpleNamespace): ret[key] = self._expand(val, prefix=new_prefix) else: ret[key] = self.sequence(new_prefix) return SimpleNamespace(**ret)