Source code for

import glob
import h5py
import numbers
import numpy as np
from types import SimpleNamespace
import os

from import Reader
from import Writer
from simframe.frame.field import Field

[docs]class hdf5writer(Writer): """Class for writing HDF5 output files.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(_hdf5wrapper, extension="hdf5", description="HDF5 file format using h5py", options={"com": "lzf", "comopts": None}, reader=hdf5reader, *args, **kwargs)
def _hdf5wrapper(obj, filename, com="lzf", comopts=None): """Wrapper to write object to HDF5 file. This function recursively calls a another functions thats goes through the object tree. Parameters ---------- obj : object the object to be stored in a file filename : string path to file Keywords -------- com : string compression method to be used by `h5py` comopt : compression_opts compression options, see `h5py.File`'s `create_dataset` for details """ with h5py.File(filename, "w") as hdf5file: _writehdf5(obj, hdf5file, com=com, comopts=comopts) def _writehdf5(obj, file, com="lzf", comopts=None, prefix=""): """Writes a given object to a h5py file. By default all attributes of the object are written out, excluding the ones that start with an underscore. Fields with attribute == False will be skipped. Parameters: ---------- obj : object the object to be stored in a file file : hdf5 file open hdf5 file object Keywords -------- com : string compression method to be used by `h5py` comopt : compression_opts compression options, see `h5py.File`'s `create_dataset` for details prefix : str a prefix prepended to the name of each attribute when storing with h5py """ if hasattr(obj, "_description") and obj._description is not None and prefix == "": file.create_dataset( "description", data=obj._description ) for key, val in obj.__dict__.items(): # Ignore hidden variables if key.startswith('_'): continue # Skip fields that should not be stored if isinstance(val, Field) and == False: continue name = prefix + key # Check if numpy.ndarray of strings and convert to list if isinstance(val, np.ndarray) and val.dtype.type is np.str_: val = val.tolist() # Check for number if isinstance(val, (numbers.Number, np.number)): file.create_dataset( name, data=val ) # Check for tuple/list elif type(val) in [tuple, list]: if None in val: raise ValueError("HDF5 cannot store None values.") # special case for list of strings if any([type(_v) == str for _v in val]): file.create_dataset( name, data=np.array(val, dtype=object), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str), compression=com, compression_opts=comopts) else: file.create_dataset( name, data=val, compression=com, compression_opts=comopts ) # Check for string elif type(val) is str: file.create_dataset( name, data=val ) # Check for Numpy array elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray): if val.shape == (): file.create_dataset( name, data=val, ) else: file.create_dataset( name, data=val, compression=com, compression_opts=comopts ) # Dicts not implemented, yet elif type(val) == dict: raise NotImplementedError( "Storing dict not yet implemented in hdf5writer.") # Check for None elif val is None: raise ValueError("HDF5 cannot store None values.") # Other objects else: _writehdf5(val, file, com=com, comopts=comopts, prefix=name + "/") class hdf5reader(Reader): """Reader class for the HDF5 writer.""" def __init__(self, writer): """HDF5 reader Parameters ---------- writer : Writer Writer object to which the reaer belongs.""" super().__init__(writer) def output(self, output): """Reads a single output file. Parameters ---------- output : str or int Path to filename to be read or number of output Returns ------- data : SimpleNamespace Namespace of data in file.""" if not isinstance(output, str): output = self._writer._getfilename(output) if not os.path.isfile(output): raise RuntimeError("File does not exist.") with h5py.File(output, "r") as hdf5file: return self._readgroup(hdf5file) def sequence(self, field): """Reading the entire sequence of a specific field. Parameters ---------- field : string String with location of requested field Returns ------- seq : array Array with requested values Notes ----- ``field`` is addressing the values just as in the parent frame object. E.g. ``"groupA.groupB.fieldC"`` is addressing ``Frame.groupA.groupB.fieldC``.""" files = self.listfiles() if files == []: raise RuntimeError("<datadir> does not exist or is empty.") if not isinstance(field, str): raise TypeError("<field> has to be of type string.") loc = field.replace(".", "/") ret = [] for f in files: with h5py.File(f, "r") as hdf5file: A = np.array(hdf5file[loc][()]) if A.shape == (1,): ret.append(A[0]) else: ret.append(A) return np.array(ret) def _readgroup(self, gr): """Helper function that is iteratively called to get the depth of the data set. Parameters ---------- gr : Group of type The h5py data set to be read Returns ------- data : SimpleNamespace Namespace of data""" ret = {} for ds in gr.keys(): if isinstance(gr[ds], ret[ds] = self._readgroup(gr[ds]) else: ret[ds] = gr[ds][()] return SimpleNamespace(**ret)